Cucumber: Health benefits of Cucumber

Cucumbers have a mild, refreshing taste and a high water content. They can help relieve dehydration and are pleasant to eat in hot weather. People eat cucumber as a savory food, but it is a fruit. It also features in some beauty products.

The cucumber is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. Other members of the family include squash and different kinds of melon, including bitter melon. Cucumbers provide various nutrients but are low in calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
People in India have grown cucumbers for food and medicinal purposes since ancient times, and they have long been part of the Mediterranean diet.
This article looks at the nutritional content of cucumber, its possible health benefits, tips for eating or using cucumber, and any potential health risks.

What happens to your body if you start eating 1 cucumber every day?

Cucumbers are one of the wonderful fruits of nature― and indeed, fruit, I said. Although others consider it as a vegetable, as it grows out of a flower and holds the plant's seeds, cucumber is actually a fruit. Apart from logistics, cucumbers have enormous health benefits and you may want to add them to your everyday diet. Here is why:

  • You'll get more hydration 

It's a well-known fact that without water the body can not function. By washing out contaminants, the water cleanses the body. It also facilitates the transfer of essential nutrients through the body and hydrates the skin and bone to hold it at 98.6-degree temperature. Yet some people don't know that 40% of their everyday water intake is from food, which is where fruits like cucumbers come in. Cucumbers are typically 95% water. And if you eat a cucumber, you're basically eating and drinking at the same time.

  • You will get the nutrients you need 

Cucumbers are low in calories yielding between 15-17 calories in one medium-sized cucumber. But, this low-calorie fruit is packed with nutrients like fiber, carbs, protein, Vitamins C, K and B, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, riboflavin, and magnesium. But don't peel it if you want to keep these nutrients. Many of the nutrients are contained in the outer layer, especially the fiber.

  • Reduce the effects of a hangover

If you had a little too much to drink over the weekend, and need to function come Monday, eat a cucumber. While studies have found that vegetable juice, in general, is a good remedy for the after-effects of drinking too much, a popular health blog claims that cucumbers are key.
YouBeauty claims that if you snack on a few cucumbers before bed, it will help your body deal with alcohol, citing the detoxifying and electrolyte balancing effects of the cukes. The site added that the popular cucumber-on-the-eyes will reduce dark circles so you don’t even look like you drank too much.

  • Weight loss

Due to the cucumber’s low calorie, high nutrient, and water content, cucumbers help keep the bulk of what you’re consuming down while keeping you full. Research shows that people who consume foods with greater water content lost more weight than diets with less water. In fact, a study conducted by the Department of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise found that Drinking water increases the number of calories you burn, which is known as resting energy expenditure.
By replacing high-calorie side dishes with cucumbers, you will likely see a positive shift in your weight loss efforts.

Cucumbers are natural breath fresheners. Due to the phytochemicals that help the cucumbers protect themselves from harmful substances while on the vine, it can also thwart off harmful bacteria in your mouth. Simply hold a slice of cucumber on the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to kill the bacteria and cool the mouth. 

  • You will lower your blood sugar

Cucumbers include many antioxidants, including vitamin C, beta carotene, manganese, and flavonoids and lignans, which mitigate oxidative stress, which results in lowering of bad cholesterol and blood sugar. These are polyphenols that minimize blood sugar.

Web-MD states that polyphenol intake is similar to other diabetes prescription products. These drugs can not only help but also help avoid diabetes.

  • Reduce Stress

Cumbers containing various B-vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B5, and vitamin B7, are believed to help relieve anxiety and other negative symptoms caused by life pressures.
That is mainly because of the ability of the B vitamins to produce energy. Vitamins of B are essential vitamins that water-soluble and play a crucial role in metabolism, including the processing of food and other body resources. 

  • Your hair, nails, and skin will improve

The vitamins A, B, C, K, manganese, copper, and potassium contained in cucumbers support a healthy immune system and support your body. And when your body and immune systems are healthy, their hair, nails, and skin are often more reflective.
Moreover, silica-rich cucumbers are required for the development of strong connective tissue health. The contents of sulfur also contribute to the quick and strong growth of hair. The Huntington College of Health Sciences has published a paper which states that sulfur is capable of forming strong bands that contribute to the strength of healthy hair. Sulfur-containing methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM) is also required for keratin formation in nails, skin, and hair.

  • Improves Digestion

Let's talk about digestion, move our way down the body. The cucumbers are high in water and fiber, as mentioned at the beginning of this article. These two essential nutrients together help to move food through the body, promote good bacteria in the intestines, regulate bowel movements, prevent constipation and keep it regular.

  • Your cardiac health improves

The potassium in cucumbers will help your heart's health if you eat these green fruit. It is widely known that potassium levels are used to aid blood filtering of muscles and nerves and kidney, thereby making the heart move smoother and healthier blood through the body.
By contrast, too little potassium can contribute to cardiovascular disease, research has found. Eat the cucumbers, then.

  • Risks

There are few risks to eating cucumbers. One concern may be the pesticide growers use on them. Before you eat them, peel the skin off or wash it in warm running water. That’ll make sure your cucumber is safe to enjoy.

Most people wash, slice, and toss their cucumbers into a salad. Before you do, you may want to soak them in saltwater first. That will lower the amount of water in them and keep the cucumbers from making your salad dressing watery.
You can eat the peel of cucumber. In fact, it will add fiber and vitamin A to your diet. Just be sure to wash the cucumber first.
When you shop for cucumbers, skip ones that are yellow, puffy, or have sunk-in areas, bulges, or wrinkled ends. Those overripe cucumbers won't taste great. Instead, look for bright, firm, medium to dark-green, slender cucumbers. Any bruises or dark spots are signs of decay.
Store cucumbers unpeeled in your refrigerator's crisper drawer. If they have a wax coating that gives them a shiny look, use them within a week. If they don't have a wax coating, use them sooner. Don't keep them out at room temperature long, or they will become soft and limp.


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